At Figure of Eight Education, we review our COVID risk assessment on a weekly basis and are always looking at ways to improve the health and safety at our Tuition Centre on a daily basis. Our priorities are ensuring both staff and students are safe at all times.

Since the start of the new academic year, we have made numerous changes and improvements to the way we enter and move around the Tuition Centre. Before we opened for the new academic year, we installed new hand sanitisers and displayed posters around the centre but we wanted to make our Tuition Centre as friendly as possible without over publicising the added stress of what to do and what not to do.
We want to keep things simple but effective and safe!
Rather than listing everything that we have done, we'd rather highlight some key changes to the day to day running of Tuition Centre;
We wrote a new 13 page Risk Assessment solely focused on COVID-19.
We installed 3 new hand sanitiser stations in the Tuition Centre ensuring that they are easy to access wherever you may be.
Temperature checks are carried out upon arrival and hands are sanitised before entry is allowed into the Tuition Centre.
The Tuition Centre cleaning schedule has been increased to include deep cleans every time it is cleaned.
Staff take the responsibly of their own teaching rooms on a daily basis by ensuring that they cleaned before each lesson with antibacterial wipes including door handles and at the end of each day.
Each student has been given a pen and pencil case to keep their writing materials in and assigned their own laptop.
Each classroom continues to have a box of tissues and a packet of antibacterial wipes readily available to both staff and students.
Encouraging safe distance and regularly washing hands!

I forgot my mask! What can I do?
There is no need to worry as we have disposable masks available to whoever would like one.
We are still welcoming visitors but this is by appointment only and limited to 30 minutes. Please see our Visitor webpage which has more information.
If you have any suggestions or feedback about how we can improve the health and safety for our staff and students, please do get in contact.
Keep safe! F8