Improving pupil motivation, self-confidence and overall engagement in education.
Our Policies
All statutory policies and documentation for Figure of Eight Education are listed below and available from this page to download. If you would like to request a paper copy of the information you can do so by outlining the information required and contacting the main office.
To try to keep the list to a minimum we have selected the key policies that we think will be of interest. If you cannot find a policy that you are looking for please contact the main office.
Figure of Eight Education fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school and in alternative provisions. Our vision is to provide a safe, secure and welcoming learning environment in which young people can grow as responsible, independent, self-confident, functional learners preparing to make an active and lifelong contribution to society. To read our full Safeguarding and Child Protection policy click on the download button.
Figure of Eight Education is committed to the creation of teaching and learning environments where the learning and social and personal needs of young people are adequately addressed. We aim to empower pupils to achieve in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. By removing barriers to learning that have been entrenched in former educational settings we work to support transfers back to mainstream schools, further education, employment or training. Everyone is expected to behave in a reasonable way, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to encourage others to do the same. It is acknowledged that behaviour and good discipline is a whole responsibility. To read our behaviour policy
Figure of Eight Education is committed to providing an efficient education for all students. We believe that all students benefit from education and from regular school attendance. We strive to ensure all students achieve the maximum possible attendance and that any problems that impede full attendance are identified and acted upon as soon as possible. To read our full attendance policy
Figure of Eight Education has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils, so we hope that complaints will be rare. However, there are occasions where parents do have cause to complain to Figure of Eight Education. The procedures outlined in this policy aim to ensure that all complaints made are handled promptly, appropriately and fairly. To read our full complaints policy
Figure of Eight Education has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils, so we hope that complaints will be rare. However, there are occasions where parents do have cause to complain to Figure of Eight Education. The procedures outlined in this policy aim to ensure that all complaints made are handled promptly, appropriately and fairly. To read our full complaints policy